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Quaker Pointe
windsor va 23487



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Teagan's Bird

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Well we were out and about exploring and next thing I know Teagan has found one of the quail that disappeared after some bird work the day before. Not really sure which I am more tickled with 1 her finding it and pointing  or the fact that she carried the thing over a half mile home w/o dropping it once for me to take!

Orange Girl "Teagan"

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Well its official Orange Girl "Teagan" will be staying with us at Quaker Pointe. I am beyond ecstatic about it!! This little girl really is something special and I am looking forward to all the fun things we will be doing with her. 

Pink Girl "Bella" and Blue Boy "Buzz" go to their new homes

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It is a happy and sad day today as both Bella & Buzz went off to their new lives and new families. I just wanted everyone to know how happy and blessed I feel with the people who decided to share their lives with these special Weim's I expect they will give you much love and joy in the many years you have with them.