March 28th South Hill VA Hunt test
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Once again Quaker Pointe was well represented Tupper, Teagan, and Livy all completed their 3rd leg toward the Junior Hunter title successfully!
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Once again Quaker Pointe was well represented Tupper, Teagan, and Livy all completed their 3rd leg toward the Junior Hunter title successfully!
Quaker Pointe wishes Jaeger, Gunther, Rigby, Sonny, and of course our very own TUPPER and LIV a very happy 1st Birthday!!!! We hope all is well with everyone and would love some updated pictures at your convenience!!!
Quaker Pointe was well represented at the Spinone Hunt test in Hustle VA this past weekend . Tupper, Teagan and Liv all qualified both days giving them all the first two legs toward their Junior Hunter Titles.