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Quaker Pointe
windsor va 23487



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Chatter's Boys turn 3 Weeks old!

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Lily Echo & Red chillin

Lily Echo & Red chillin

Lime & Orange moving about

Lime & Orange moving about



Well the gang has turned 3 weeks old as of yesterday!  A lot of firsts and new things this week. We took the puppies out yesterday to enjoy the lovely weather they all LOVED the grass and fresh air! Teeth came through on all this week as well Orange being the first one to sprout some on Wednesday. We started a supplemental feeding as well as chatter is not a fan of their little chompers! Red and Yellow were the first 2 puppies to get out of the low whelping box this week as well closely followed by the others..

Yellow & Red

Yellow & Red

Blu , Lily & Teagan

Blu , Lily & Teagan