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Quaker Pointe
windsor va 23487



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Chatter goes for her Xray...Baby day count down has started!

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I did catch her napping in the welping box the other day

I did catch her napping in the welping box the other day

Went to the Oaks Vet office today for Chatter. She had her x ray looks like 6 puppies are on the way for her. NOW if we can only get her to slow down enough to have them! I think she believes if she doesn't stop its not gonna happen...but she gets rounder and rounder daily! If her puppies are half as energetic as she is she & I will have our hands full the next 8 weeks.

Echo's Puppies Week 4

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It has been busy busy busy here at Quaker Pointe. I would have never thought 4 puppies could be so active and require so much stimulation at such a young age. The fabulous four as Lily has named them are acting more like 6 to 7 week old puppies than  3.5 4 week old ones!  This past week with a break in the weather we have had them outside and introduced them to the many sights and sounds of country life. They are all extremely courageous and bold a little to much so at some times.  I have also created individual pages for each puppy, I do have a journal entry of their development But it will take some time to add that,

4 weeks .JPG

Finally a Day Outside!!!

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Pink & Orange

Pink & Orange

Chatter and Pinkie girl

Chatter and Pinkie girl

Blue Boy

Blue Boy

Green having a nap

Green having a nap


With the puppies activity increasing daily I am so pleased that we finally got a nice enough day to take the puppies outside! Nothing is better for a young pup than fresh air, grass and plenty of attention.

The boys

The boys

Lily with Orange girl

Lily with Orange girl